Cardiovascular Health

About Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Kanwal is trained to identify and address cardiovascular disease and its underlying causes. In order to identify cardiovascular disease and its risk factors, a thorough case history is taken, and a detailed family health history is sought. A physical examination and laboratory tests are then carried out in order to assist in diagnosis. Based on the information gathered, a safe, effective, and comprehensive treatment plan is prepared, which comprises a combination of dietary, supplement, and lifestyle interventions. Measures to establish heart-healthy behavior in order to prevent the occurrence of future cardiovascular disease is also addressed.

Dr. Kanwal pursues combination treatments in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Most importantly, the right diet and lifestyle factors need to be determined for each individual. Secondly, intervention is required to repair and restore healthy cardiovascular and metabolic activity. Intravenous and oral supplementation programs are created to manage this.

About Cardiovascular Disease

Given the overwhelming statistics on this illness, there is a good chance you know someone who has had lung cancer, cardiovascular disease or a stroke – or one day, may be affected by one of them.

While the main organizations dedicated to fighting these illnesses, such as the Canadian Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, offer a wealth of data on their efforts, the amount of information that is available can be overwhelming.

Naturopathic Medicine looks at the overall lifestyle of the patient. Diet and exercise are critical factors in preventing the onset of this disease. However, once the disease has set in, nutrition and exercise become a supportive measure in the entire treatment process. Treatments such as Chelation Therapy will be recommended depending, on the patients’ symptoms and strength.

According to 2017–2018 data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS):

  • About 1 in 12 (or 2.6 million) Canadian adults age 20+ live with diagnosed heart disease
  • Every hour 14 Canadian adults age 20+ with diagnosed heart disease die
  • Death rate is:
    • 2.9x higher among adults age 20+ with diagnosed heart disease vs those without
    • 4.6x higher among adults age 20+ who had a heart attack vs those without
    • 6.3x higher among adults age 40+ with diagnosed heart failure vs those without

Heart disease affects men and women differently:

  • Men are 2x more likely to suffer a heart attack than women
  • Men are newly diagnosed with heart disease about 10 years younger than women

The GOOD NEWS is that from 2000–2001 to 2017–2018:

  • The number of Canadian adults newly diagnosed with heart disease
    declined from 217,600 to 162,730.
  • The death rate, or the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals with
    a known heart disease, has decreased by 21%.

Reduce your risk of heart disease by:

  • Being smoke free
  • Staying physically active
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Limiting alcohol use

Visit the Heart and Stroke Foundation Website